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Why are impacted wisdom teeth a problem?

Because of their eating habits, wisdom teeth were a valuable asset to prehistoric humans. This evolutionary trait is now an unnecessary holdover. While they were once used to grip and tear food, they are now simply the source of dental problems, some of which can be serious.

Wisdom teeth are third molars that are located in the back of the mouth, two in each of the top and bottom rows. They are the final teeth to emerge. They are frequently misaligned and become unhealthy quickly, causing discomfort and health problems. Wisdom teeth become impacted when they are prevented from erupting from the gums by the jawbone or neighbouring teeth. They are notorious for causing pain and dental complications ranging from mild to severe to life-threatening.

What are impacted wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 15 and 20. While some people are born without wisdom teeth, the vast majority of people have four—two on top and two on bottom. They become impacted when they grow in at an awkward angle or when there isn’t enough space for them. Approximately 60 to 70% of all wisdom teeth will be impacted. Through regular dental X-rays, your dentist will be able to monitor and track the growth of your wisdom teeth. If there is an issue, the teeth may need to be extracted.

What are the symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth do not always cause symptoms, and your dentist can only tell if they are impacted by examining your regular dental X-rays.They can, however, cause problems as they progress, such as:

1. Bleeding gums (though be  aware that bleeding gums is also a symptom of periodontal disease)

2. jaw pain

3. Swelling, particularly around the gums or around the jaw

4. Bad breath

5. An unpleasant taste in your mouth

6. Difficulty opening your mouth

What Are the Complications That an Impacted Wisdom Tooth Can Cause?

Impaction of wisdom teeth causes a variety of dental problems in the mouth, some more serious than others.

  • Gum disease – A partially erupted wisdom tooth makes it more difficult to clean the gums properly and increases the risk of pericoronitis, an inflammatory, painful gum condition. 
  •  Cysts –The sac within the jawbone where wisdom teeth develop can fill with fluid and form a cyst, causing nerves, teeth, and the jawbone itself to be damaged. In rare cases, a noncancerous tumour can form. Typically, both the bone and the tissue must be removed in order to correct such a complication.
  •  Damage the other teeth –When the wisdom tooth pushes against the second molar, the risk of various infections in the area increases. Furthermore, the pressure can cause crowding issues, necessitating orthodontic treatment to straighten the other teeth.
  • Decay – When compared to other teeth, partially erupted wisdom teeth are at a much higher risk of decay. The most likely cause of this condition is that partially impacted wisdom teeth are much more difficult to clean; as a result, bacteria and food can easily become trapped between the tooth and the gum.

How is an impacted wisdom tooth treated?

Minor irritations caused by an impacted wisdom tooth can sometimes be relieved with warm salt water or pain relievers that you most likely already have at home. However, if the pain caused by an impacted wisdom tooth does not go away or returns, the standard treatment is to extract the impacted wisdom tooth. The impacted wisdom tooth removal procedure can take anywhere from 30 min to one hour, depending on the location of the tooth.

The typical procedure includes discussing the procedure, the risks, the sedatives, and the type of anesthesia to be used. 

Swelling of the jaw and cheeks is completely normal following the procedure. Eating certain foods may also be difficult. Although complications after surgery are rare, Although they are uncommon, they do exist, so you must carefully follow your surgeon’s or dentist’s instructions.

Even though it may sound frightening, surgery to remove impacted wisdom teeth is a common method of relieving the pain these teeth can cause. Because of the ability of their bone and tissue to heal better and faster when the patient is under the age of 21, this surgery is usually less complicated when the patient is under the age of 21.

ConclusionAt Acme Dental Lounges, we have a team of experienced doctors who can not only advise you but also perform as painless a tooth extraction as possible. Our clinic in Aundh is equipped with cutting-edge technology, allowing our team to be the best at what they do at the most affordable prices. Please contact us at 9923459984 or visit our website at https://acmedental.in

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