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How painful is wisdom tooth removal?

There is a common misconception that all wisdom teeth cause pain and that the removal process is even more painful. Because of this, when patients are informed that they must have a wisdom tooth removed, they are typically very nervous and worried.

Our best dentist, Dr. Ashish Gupta, explains this in detail.

In the hands of a skilled dentist, removing a wisdom tooth is typically a quick and painless process. I’ll make sure you’re completely numb before we begin, so you don’t feel anything. Most of my patients are surprised at how quick and painless the procedure was in the end.

Because your mouth is completely numb throughout the procedure, you will not feel any pain, though you may be aware of the movement and actions taking place inside your mouth. Of course, if you are uncomfortable, you can stop the dentist at any time by raising your hand.

If your wisdom tooth is causing problems with your jawbone, it may be necessary to lift the gum, section the tooth, and stitch the gum back together. Again, it may sound painful, but you will experience no pain.

I can assure you that after extracting thousands of teeth, the dental extractions we perform are quick and painless.

For how long should it last?

Most people recover from wisdom tooth extraction in 3-4 days and are able to resume their normal daily lives by then. However, for more complex cases or multiple tooth extractions, full recovery may take 7-10 days.

How does the recovery process work?

Everyone reacts differently to surgery. Some people may experience discomfort and soreness for the first three days and may require pain relievers. Some people may experience minor bruising or swelling on the face, which usually goes away after a week or two.

After three days, you should feel much better and be able to chew normally again.After one week, your mouth will feel normal again, and you will have forgotten about your wisdom tooth extraction.

Are there any risks from the operation?

During our consultation, I will go over your specific situation and whether your wisdom teeth require additional imaging or alternative techniques to reduce any risks.

In general, the risks of serious complications in wisdom tooth extraction are extremely low. The majority of complications are minor and are unavoidable after any type of surgical procedure.


If you are concerned about any dental procedure, including wisdom tooth extraction, contact Dr. Gupta at ACME DENTAL LOUNGE. As a highly skilled dentist, he will take the time to address all of your concerns and questions.

Call today to schedule a consultation and eliminate the stress of your next dental appointment.at  Acme Dental Lounge. Call us on 9923459984. 

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