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What to do when you’re suffering from throbbing tooth pain

Why does one have a toothache?

Throbbing tooth pain may indicate that you require medical attention. If you have decay or a cavity, you may experience pain. Throbbing tooth pain may also occur if there is an infection at the root of the tooth or in the gums that surround it.

Toothaches are typically caused by an infection or inflammation near the tooth. This is referred to as pulpitis.The soft pink pulp within your tooth keeps it healthy and alive. Tooth pulp contains tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.

A cavity or crack within the tooth allows air and germs to enter. This can irritate and infect the tooth’s sensitive pulp nerves, causing pain.

Other signs and symptoms of tooth pain

Aside from throbbing pain, there are numerous signs of associated aches, such as:

  1. Constant dull ache
  2. Sharp pain while biting
  3. Teeth that are sensitive or tingly
  4. Pain or tenderness around the mouth
  5. Aching or pain in the jaw at regular intervals
  6. Gum or mouth swelling
  7. Redness
  8. Pus or clear fluid

Adults and children can both feel pain. If you notice any signs or symptoms, consult a doctor right away. To figure out what’s causing the tooth pain, you’ll almost certainly need a dental examination and an X-ray.

Eight potential causes of throbbing tooth pain are mentioned  here.

  1. Cavity

Tooth decay, also known as a cavity, is the most common cause of tooth pain. As soon as bacteria “eat” through a tooth’s thick outer layer of enamel, pain will start to happen.

Bacteria are naturally present in the mouth and body. However, putting excessive amounts of sugar and other foods on your teeth can result in a buildup of harmful bacteria.

Bacteria produce plaque, which adheres to your teeth. Some microorganisms produce acid, which can result in holes or cavities.Decay may appear as brown, black, or stains on the teeth surface..


To relieve the throbbing pain, your dentist can either repair a hole or strengthen a weakened space inside the tooth. You may require:

  1. Teeth cleaning to encourage plaque removal.
  2. A filling to repair the cavity.
  3. Antibiotics are used to treat infections.
  1. Abscess of a tooth

When 0.5 or more of the pulp within the tooth dies, a symptom occurs. When dead tissue forms a “pocket” of microorganisms and pus, a signal is produced. A tooth infection or inflammation is the source of the symptom.

If a broken tooth is not treated promptly, it will result in a tooth symptom. This occurs when a hole or crack allows microorganisms to enter the tooth.


Treatment for a tooth absces may include: antibiotics to kill the organism causing the infection, exhaustion and cleansing out the symptom, cleaning and treating the gums if the symptom is caused by gum disease, passageway if the symptom is caused by decay or a cracked tooth, and implant, which involves replacing the tooth with a man-made one.

  1. Broken/ fractured tooth

A fracture is caused by a crack or split inside the tooth. This will occur if you bite on something hard, such as ice, popcorns. Guava seeds, hards food. A tooth fracture can also happen as a result of a severe fall or being hit inside the jaw or face with something sharp. A tooth fracture can develop bit by bit over time in some cases.

A broken tooth can cause intense pain. Objects can enter the tooth through the fracture and irritate or infect the pulp and nerves, causing pain.This may include:bacteria,food remnants,water,air.


Your doctor will use a veneer or a filling to repair a broken tooth. Your tooth may require a cap or crown, or your doctor may recommend other treatment.

  1. Broken/ fractured fillings

Traditional biting and chewing, painful biting, or grinding or clenching your teeth will all damage a filling. A filling may : come out, fade away, broken, fractured.


Your doctor will either repair or replace a broken filling. If the tooth is too damaged for a replacement filling, you may need a crown.

  1. Infected gums

A gum infection is also known as periodontitis. Infected gums cause gum sickness or disease. Gum disease is the most common cause of adult tooth loss.A gum infection is caused by –

  1. Not cleaning your teeth and mouth properly, a poor daily diet, and smoking.
  2. Some prescription medications cause hormonal changes
  3. Health situation
  4. Cancer and its therapies
  5. Genetics

Bacteria from infected gums can build up around tooth roots. This may result in an infection within the gum tissue, causing pain.Gum disease causes gums to shrink away from the tooth. It will also break down the bone that holds teeth in place. This has the potential to cause tooth loosening and cavities.


Antibiotics are frequently used to treat a gum infection. Your doctor may recommend regular cleanings to remove plaque. A medicated option can help to relieve gum and tooth pain.

If you have gum disease, you may require a variety of treatments to help save your teeth. Treatment includes a “deep cleaning” known as scaling and root planing to keep your teeth and gums healthy. In severe cases, open surgery may be required.

  1. Night Grinding or clenching

Grinding your teeth is also referred to as action. It always happens while sleeping. Clenching your teeth indicates that biting down is difficult. Stress, genetics, and overdeveloped jaw muscles all contribute to grinding and clenching.

Teeth, gum, and jaw pain can result from grinding and clenching. They will erode the tooth, causing tooth erosion. This increases the likelihood of cavities, tooth pain, and broken teeth.

The following are indications of tooth erosion:

  1. Teeth with minor cracks or roughness
  2. Teeth clipped (biting edges look slightly transparent)
  3. Sensitivity of the teeth (especially to hot, cold, and sweet drinks and foods)
  4. Teeth with a broken shape or crumpled teeth and rounded fillings discoloration of the teeth


Treating the cause of tooth grinding and clenching aids in the relief of tooth pain. Wearing a mouthguard while sleeping will help adults and children stop grinding their teeth. It may also be beneficial to use stress relief techniques or to seek advice from a mental health professional.

  1. Loose crown

As a crown or cap, a tooth-shaped hood will be used. It will always cover the entire tooth, all the way down to the gum line. A crown is required if a tooth is cracked or broken, or if a cavity is too large for a filling.

A crown holds the tooth in place. It is made of metals, ceramics, and other materials. with luting  dental cement  a crown in fixed.

Crown can become loose due to normal wear and tear. It can also chip or break like  a natural tooth. The lutting cement that keeps a crown in place may wash away. Clenching or grinding your teeth, or biting something hard, can all harm your crown.

A loose crown causes throbbing tooth pain. This occurs as a result of food debris accumulating beneath your crown bacterium crown. The tooth may become infected or broken, resulting in nerve pain.


If you have a cavity or tooth damage, your dentist will remove the crown and treat the tooth. A replacement crown is fitted to the repaired tooth. A broken or loose crown is repaired or replaced with a new one.

  1. Eruption of a tooth

Pain in the gums, jaw, and between the teeth can be caused by new (erupting) teeth. This includes odontiasis babies, children gaining new teeth, and adults who are developing wisdom teeth.

When a tooth is unable to grow through the gums, it becomes impacted. Or it will grow in the wrong direction, such as sideways rather than up. This could lead to the current situation (too several teeth) a milk tooth that hasn’t fallen out biology a cyst in the mouth

An impaction can cause damage to the roots of neighboring teeth. A newly erupted tooth associated with an impaction may also cause other teeth to move or loosen. This causes discomfort in the gums and teeth.


Pain or tenderness from an erupting tooth can be relieved with an oral desensitising gel or general pain medication. Minor odontology is used to free up space for the tooth in the event of an impaction. This could include extracting more teeth or extracting obstructions.


Consult a medical professional if you have throbbing tooth pain. It is going to cause an infection. Early treatment can help you keep your teeth and body healthy.Regular visits to the dentist help to prevent serious tooth problems before they cause pain.   They usually provide teeth cleaning and minor dental procedures such as fillings.

Book an appointment and online consultation with Acme Dental lounge for your healthy smile for a long-term and sustainable solution to your oral health.

For online booking, please contact us at 9923459984 or visit our website at

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